Having a color palette is a way to link colors between different artwork together by using the same imported palette you created here.
By sharing the same imported color palette, when user changes the color of one part, all the other parts that are linked will also change.
For example, you can create a skin tone palette to link the color of the nose, face, ears, and body. When the color of the nose is changed, all the other parts also change color.
If you want the artwork part to have its own color that isn't linked to other parts, read how to add separate colors here.
How to create color palette
1. Go to the palette section and click "Add palette." Name the palette and click "Add."
2. After a palette has been created, click "Settings." Inside settings, you can add the color inside the palette by clicking "+".
3. Click "Save" when you're done adding all the colors inside the palette.
How to link artwork through importing color palette
1. Go to the Settings of the artwork you wish to link to color palette to.
2. Click "Import" and select the palette you already created. In this sample, head color is linked to the skin tone color palette.
How to unlink choice to color palette
1. Click "Import" and select "None"
2. Click "Ok."